News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Latest B.S. science hype from Elon Musk claims upcoming launch of “brain-computer interface” called Neuralink
There’s perhaps nobody in the world that’s more gung-ho about merging humans with “the machine” than Elon Musk, who’s reportedly developing a new technology known as Neuralink that he claims will one day have the capacity to integrate computers with the human brain. According to the billionaire technocrat, turning humans into artificial intelligence (AI) hybrid […]
By Ethan Huff
“Scientist of the Year” arrested, charged with 35 counts of child porn… many science “skeptics” are pedophiles
A professor of chemistry at Portland State University in Oregon has reportedly been arrested and charged with 35 counts related to child pornography – and this after having previously received “Scientist of the Year” at his school. According to reports, Niles Lehman was indicted back in February, and arrested not long after, following allegations that […]
By Ethan Huff
Mass media celebration of woman scientist credited for black hole image was bogus… even SCIENCE is now pushing a liberal agenda
In its rush to politicize on the basis of gender, the world’s first computer-generated image of a “black hole,” the mainstream media has once again been caught propagating politically-correct “fake news” by falsely attributing the image’s creation to a female whose algorithms weren’t even used to generate said image. For days, Left Cult writers, pundits, […]
By Ethan Huff
Why the vaccine industry REFUSES to conduct clinical trials using a genuine placebo control group
The next time someone tries to tell you that the science is “settled” on vaccine safety and effectiveness, you might want to bring up the fact that the alleged “science” upon which the vaccination house of cards was, and is still being, built is fundamentally flawed at its very core. Truth be told, there isn’t […]
By Ethan Huff
STATINS FAIL: Another scientific study shows statin drugs to be totally worthless at protecting against anything
A class of drugs that doctors from Imperial College London say should be handed out like ketchup packets as “preventative medicine” to the public has once again been shown to be completely useless. A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Internal Medicine found that statins, which are often hawked as the golden goose […]
By Ethan Huff
From Native American DNA to the spread of STDs via anal sex, here’s PROOF that Leftists are scientifically illiterate
There’s a concerted effort among those who identify as “progressives” to stifle all inconvenient truths that might shatter their deranged ideological belief systems. Leftists don’t want anyone to question, for instance, that a super-white, carpetbagger politician like Elizabeth Warren isn’t actually of true Native American ancestry simply because she claims to be. Leftists also don’t […]
By Ethan Huff
Scientific study of fake news RETRACTED because it was found to be fake science
In yet another embarrassing and ironic example of fake science going viral, a study published last year in the Journal of Human Behavior that claimed too many people these days are spreading fake news on social media was recently retracted after it was discovered that the paper contained fake data, presumably aimed at perpetuating the […]
By Ethan Huff
Retired climate scientist-turned-skeptic says global warming narrative is completely bogus
It isn’t a popular position to take these days, but that doesn’t seem to bother Dr. Anastasios Tsonis, a retired professor of climate studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee who contends that so-called “global warming” – at least in the way that climate fanatics tend to talk about it – is largely a myth. In […]
By Ethan Huff
NBC declares no debate allowed on climate change, claiming “science is settled” while absurdly asserting that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant”
Even though the supposedly “settled science” about global warming from decades back has since been proven false, as Earth actually appears to be entering a period of global cooling, this hasn’t stopped the mainstream media talking heads from continuing to spread mindless drivel about the impending threat of “climate change.” During a recent segment of […]
By Ethan Huff
“Mass shootings” study turns out to be junk science
An oft-repeated lie of the gun-hating Left is that mass shootings are far more prominent in the United States compared to anywhere else in the world because everyday American citizens have the constitutional right to own guns. But as it turns out, the data most frequently presented to back this bizarre claim is patently false. […]
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