News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
The crypto currency ICO craze smells a whole lot like the dot com bubble
They’re the wave of the future for companies trying to raise capital quickly using digital cryptocurrency rather than traditional fiat. But initial coin offerings, also known as ICOs, are becoming so popular so fast that the concept is starting to look a whole lot like the dot com bubble of the late 1990s, some experts […]
By Ethan Huff
Human Rights groups urge Congress to ban gender alteration surgery on “intersex” youth
Gender confusion continues to run amok in modern society as a growing number of children are reportedly being born with abnormal genitalia that has both male and female characteristics. Such children are dubbed as being “intersex,” and many of them end up undergoing surgery in order to make them either male or female. But the […]
By Ethan Huff
California’s cities are being choked to death by POLLUTION, so liberals of course blame global warming instead of themselves
Though conditions have improved in some areas of the Golden State, California once again tops the list as being the most air-polluted state in the country. But rather than focus on addressing the problem at the local and state level, Governor Jerry Brown has set his sights on tackling the global agenda of “climate change,” […]
By Ethan Huff
Food Evolution GMO propaganda film was spearheaded behind the scenes by biotech shill and exposed wife beater Jon Entine
A new documentary film being released, entitled Food Evolution, is the latest in chemical industry propaganda spreading the message that GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) and crop chemicals and great, and branding it as “science.” And none other than wife-beater and raging lunatic Jon Entine is behind the project, which functions more as corporate PR campaign for […]
By Ethan Huff
Transgendered high school track star is an insane attack on women… yet there’s no outcry from feminists
An obviously male high school student in Connecticut has won two state championship titles in track – but only because he ran on the girls’ team. Andraya Yearwood, a freshman at Cromwell High School, self-identifies as a female and was thus allowed to compete with the girls. This clearly gave him an upper hand in […]
By Ethan Huff
“Monsanto Mafia” just produced a corporate propaganda film called “Food Evolution” produced by violent psychopath shills who promote GMOs and pesticides
A new documentary film that claims to set the record straight on genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) has been exposed as a propaganda piece that aims for nothing more than to advance the agenda of chemical and biotechnology companies. Narrated by fake science icon Neil deGrasse Tyson, Food Evolution is backed and funded by a who’s who […]
By Ethan Huff
High-rise building with 27 floors goes up in flames, yet doesn’t uniformly collapse like WTC 7… ever wonder why?
Another horrific incident has occurred in London where a 24-story building that functioned as public housing to some 600 people caught fire on Wednesday and quickly went up in a blazing inferno. It was a scene perhaps even more disturbing than the one that occurred back on September 11, 2001, to the infamous “Building 7,” […]
By Ethan Huff
Bitcoin will never be used by everyone for the simple reason that public ledgers are NOT desirable by most corporations
So-called “cryptocurrencies” like bitcoin are changing the way that many people conduct business, both online and off. But as the push towards digital cash intensifies, it’s important to remember that not everyone is keen on where things are headed, including corporations that simply don’t want their day-to-day operations publicly shared via the blockchain system upon […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate buffoon Al Gore said on national TV that rising ocean levels are already causing fish to be seen “swimming in the streets” of Miami
Climate change magnate and multi-millionaire Al Gore seems to have emerged from the woodwork of his $9 million mansion with a new message for the world: Global warming is already here! He apparently saw it personally during a recent trip to Miami, where an unusual tide event brought water and fish into the streets in […]
By Ethan Huff
Stunning study reveals why intolerant university Leftists cannot see reality: They have been TRAINED to cognitively miss details that don’t conform to liberalism
The chilling rise of neo-Marxist extremism across America is evident in everything from violent street protests against “hate speech” to hostile takeovers of college campuses by feral radicals demanding “equality.” This new-breed fascist element increasingly demands that anything it doesn’t like should be silenced with aggressive force. But if you read between the lines of a […]
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