News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Same media outraged over Manchester bombing of little girl totally SILENT when 100,000 U.S. children are maimed or killed by vaccines every year
The recent terrorist bombing that reportedly took place at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, U.K., has once again brought shock and awe to the world. Media outrage over the incident has reached a crescendo, particularly with circulating images of eight-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos, one of the younger concertgoers who’s said to have been killed […]
By Ethan Huff
Boston Herald’s call for mass murder of vaccine skeptics reveals underlying philosophy of VIOLENCE and DEATH underpinning the entire vaccine industry
As self-proclaimed crusaders against hate and intolerance, the more extreme elements of the political left sure are getting aggressive in their calls for censorship and even violence against their opposition. The editorial staff at The Boston Herald is a perfect example of this, having recently published an article calling for vaccine skeptics to be hanged […]
By Ethan Huff
Plants in the wild compete and excel based on “market competition” principles, scientists discover (because “equality” leads to extinction)
Liberal feminists and social justice warriors (SJWs) who are constantly trying to force “equality” at all costs like to think that they’re doing the world a favor in advancing human rights. But perhaps the biggest opponent of their anger-fueled, fascist cause is nature itself, which when it’s observed through the lens of objectivity proves that […]
By Ethan Huff
Bill Nye exposed as a genocidal anti-science lunatic who seems to want human civilization exterminated, reveals new science video
What’s truly amazing about all the hype surrounding man-made climate change and the supposed evils of carbon dioxide, which we’re all told is “warming” the planet, is that this popular viewpoint couldn’t be further from the truth. Elementary science has definitively proven that carbon dioxide is what our planet needs to thrive, yet anti-science propagandists […]
By Ethan Huff
FAKE SCIENCE: An astonishing one-third of all FDA-approved drugs turn out to have serious safety problems
One of the most common arguments that skeptics of so-called “alternative” medicine make in opposition to its legitimacy is that much of it hasn’t undergone the same safety and clinical trial process – the supposed “gold standard” of science-based medicine – as pharmaceutical-based allopathic medicine. But new research out of Yale University just about dashes […]
By Ethan Huff
Democratic candidate says if you don’t believe in climate change, you should kill yourself with car exhaust
Man-made climate change has become a quintessential symbol of hot-button American politics – the divide-and-conquer issue of our day that never fails to rile up folks on both sides of the debate. But when the argument over whether or not it’s actually a serious problem deteriorates into calls for those on the opposing side to […]
By Ethan Huff
Greg Gutfeld shreds Bill Nye and the delusional “March for Science” in Fox interview
Just because he wears a bow tie and a lab coat doesn’t mean that he’s an authoritative source of all things true concerning science. But that’s how some people still perceive the charlatan known as Bill Nye “the science guy” of television fame, who has repeatedly turned down the opportunity to debate actual scientists in […]
By Ethan Huff
Vaccine industry goes “nuclear” in push for new law that would deny you YOUR JOB if you aren’t vaccinated
North Carolina Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, a Republican, has introduced new legislation that, taken to its logical end, might eventually provision for employers to force their employees to be vaccinated under the guise of “wellness.” House Resolution 1313, known as the “Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act,” contains certain provisions for “disease prevention” that, should employees refuse […]
By Ethan Huff
Monsanto back in court over misleading Roundup ads
A new lawsuit claims that Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporation, has been lying about the nature of its Roundup herbicide by claiming that it only targets an enzyme found in weeds, but not in people or pets. Challenging the very basis upon which Roundup was even granted approval in the first place, this latest […]
By Ethan Huff
Pushback against smart meters continues to grow across the U.S.
A vocal coalition of Michiganders is taking to the streets — and their local city council meetings — to oppose the growing intrusion of privacy and personal safety with state utility companies transitioning to “smart” meters. Reports indicate that thousands of folks have already opted out, and new legislation is pending to make these opt-outs […]
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