News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
American Academy of Pediatrics: Be careful of this anti-gun fraud
The American Academy of Pediatrics is defrauding the public. (Article republished from Ammoland.com) They released a “study” using data from the virulently anti-gun Brady Campaign which claims that tougher gun control leads to fewer firearm deaths of children. The pediatrics’ lobby wants you to believe that children are safer in Baltimore and the south side […]
By News Editors
5G Danger: Hundreds of respected scientists sound the alarm about health effects as 5G networks go up nationwide
Even though many in the scientific community are loudly warning about the potential health effects that 5G technology could have on the general population, Verizon and AT&T are starting to put up their 5G networks in major cities all across the nation. Today, the total number of cell phones exceeds the entire population of the world, and […]
By News Editors
The microbe-to-man evolution story is dumb, bad science. Why do our kids learn it as fact?
Dare suggest that America’s school children should be alerted to scientific problems with microbe-to-man evolution, and you can safely predict an outcry from evolutionists along two fronts. First, they protest, there must surely be a hidden agenda to teach the biblical creation story (including Adam and Eve), or the suspected subterfuge of “creation science” or […]
By News Editors
Combating health tyranny with knowledge: “Defensive eating” strategies with Mike Adams
In this video, the Health Ranger Mike Adams joins Vin Armani for a powerful discussion on how to protect yourself against the biggest threats to your health – Big Ag, Big Pharma and their partners in government. Adams also talks free speech and gives valuable tips on defensive eating. (Article by Vin Armani republished from Activistpost.com) Subscribe to Mike’s […]
By News Editors
“Poison Papers” Snapshot: HOJO Transcript Illustrates EPA Collusion With Chemical Industry
The world of independent chemical testing has a shiny veneer. The public is reassured that chemicals they’re exposed to on a daily basis are certified by technicians in spotless white lab coats who carefully conduct scientific studies, including on animals in neat rows of cages. (Article by Rebekah Wilce republished from Independentsciencenews.org) But a federal grand […]
By News Editors
Calls for violence against those who practice freedom of speech opposing vaccines reaches mainstream media
If you have ever wondered what the opposite of love is, let me tell you… it’s not hate. It’s fear. Yes, I’m aware of the slightly different and perhaps more popular take on that idea by Elie Wiesel: “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” I like both of them, but I lean […]
By News Editors
The Boston Herald’s Rachelle Cohen wants you dead, but you are not to respond in kind
Last week in the Boston Herald, Rachelle Cohen wrote about the presentation on vaccine information by Mark Blaxill and the Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota given to the Minneapolis Somali community, errantly reporting that they had given false information to those in attendance, and expressing her opinion that they should be killed for holding the […]
By News Editors
Some thoughts on the globalist agenda, vaccines and population control
Folks, The oligarchs and their minions seek to build a synthetic and techno-feudal new world order (NWO). To build it, they must destroy the old – God ordained and organic – order of human dignity and sexual complementarity, the natural law, the natural family, the organic nation, limited government, private property and traditional religion. It […]
By News Editors
Why Tesla’s solar roof is just another giant taxpayer gift to Elon Musk
There are two things in which Elon Musk is an undisputed champion: creating hype and buzz for massively cash-flow burning products and companies, and abusing every possible loophole in the US tax code to get explicit and implicit subsidies from the government. He demonstrated the latter on Wednesday, when Tesla began taking orders for its […]
By News Editors
Dirty money, dirty science: How the GMO industry really operates
The biotech industry’s web of attempts to buy credibility, by laundering its messages through supposedly independent academic scientists, is unraveling and beginning to reveal the influence of a huge amount of industry money on the independence of academic agricultural science. Some of this process was revealed recently in The New York Times. Many of these […]
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