One of the most trusted maxims in today’s world is the Latin phrase cui bono? In other words, who benefits? …
Al Gore’s 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and extensive reporting by the mainstream media have led many to accept catastrophic …
Two years in August, a crew working for the Environmental Protection Agency unexplainably removed the rock and rubble “plug” holding …
Another horrific incident has occurred in London where a 24-story building that functioned as public housing to some 600 people …
When lies define the landscape, there are several techniques that can be used to promote said lies, even amid the pushback …
Climate change magnate and multi-millionaire Al Gore seems to have emerged from the woodwork of his $9 million mansion with …
The recent terrorist bombing that reportedly took place at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, U.K., has once again brought …
America has been under the spell of a vaccine hysteria due to the recent measles outbreak among unvaccinated Somali-Americans in …
Forty-five years after one of the most outrageous examples of unethical medical practices in our nation’s history, The Tuskegee Syphilis …
A recent study published in JAMA Surgery found that a significant number of female breast cancer patients undergo mastectomy without prior …
You might not be willing to buy GMO foods, but you’ll still be spending money on them thanks to a …
Though it is indeed shocking to hear that this story is being reported on by CNN, to those who have …
One of the most common arguments that skeptics of so-called “alternative” medicine make in opposition to its legitimacy is that …
It would seem that Sweden’s Parliament truly cares about doing what is best for its people. Rather than bowing to …