Al Gore’s 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and extensive reporting by the mainstream media have led many to accept catastrophic …
If there is one thing people ought to know by now, it’s that you can’t believe everything you see on …
We’ve all heard about how rising levels of carbon dioxide will bring about the end of the Earth as we …
The sheer idiocy of Al Gore and the climate change cultists never ceases to amaze me. Now, according to Al …
Public discourse in our twisted, collapsing society has now devolved to the point where most of what the general public …
Instead of being attacked and criticized by the delusional, mindless Left that has abandoned all reason and logic, President Trump …
When President Donald Trump announced last week that the United States would be withdrawing from the Paris Climate Change Accord …
The art of climate fear mongering is rooted in the ability to terrorize the population over threats that hardly matter …
“The hockey stick debate is thus about two things. At a technical level it is about flaws in methodology and …
Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comics, seems to have triggered social justice warriors and climate science fanatics on …