11/13/2024 / By News Editors
There are around 750 million Whites. Some Whites are bad and genocidal. The majority aren’t. So it’s reasonable to say, “Not all Whites. The majority of Whites aren’t bad and genocidal.”
(Article by Aiden Hunter republished from X.com)
There are around 4.75 billion Asians. Some Asians are bad and genocidal. The majority aren’t. So it’s reasonable to say, “Not all Asians. The majority of Asians aren’t bad and genocidal.”
And so on for other races.
But there’s only about 15 million jews. They’re a tiny race. Still, let’s be honest about jews and give them a fair hearing, just as we would for other races.
To start, around 80%-90% of jews are zionists according to reports. So right off the bat it seems that the vast majority of jews, by any reasonable standard, are bad and genocidal.
But let’s be extremely conservative for the sake of argument and assume that those reports are inflated. Let’s assume that only, say, 60% of jews are zionists. So that is nine million jews who are bad and genocidal, conservatively speaking.
We can rest our case here.
Unlike other races, it isn’t accurate to assert that “most jews aren’t bad.” It pains me to arrive at this conclusion, but if it’s true, it’s true.
Already this is enough justification for leaders to consider lawfully and humanely prohibiting jews from occupying any positions of power or influence over us.
But let’s be thorough.
If on the most conservative view nine million of the 15 million jews are genocidal, what about the remaining six million liberal “anti-zionist” jews?
It turns out that when you examine the details, these liberal jews are often worse. All of them strongly promote and defend open borders and mass importation of genetically distant peoples, or forced diversity and multiculturalism, or abortion, or feminism, or LGBTO+ propaganda, etc.
In fact, jews played the leading role in creating or promoting all of those harmful mechanisms of decline, and “anti-zionist” jews today virtually universally advocate all of them in the West.
These mechanisms are just subtly and gradually destroying our birthrates instead of directly and rapidly bombing us. A slow boil racial and cultural genocide.
This seems to leave us with a disturbing conclusion: the six million liberal “anti-zionist” jews are also bad and genocidal, and perhaps even more dangerous to us than their zionist bretheren.
Thus, of the 15 million jews, a person may have to conclude that when it comes to jews, astonishingly, “it’s all of them.”
But let’s keep trying to be as fair and charitable as possible. Presumably, there must be a handful of jews that don’t advocate anything outlined above. Perhaps they’re out there somewhere.
Even if there might be two or three exceptions, we aren’t in an epistemic position where we can determine who they are, given that jews with the most horrific intentions have a track record of skillfully blending in as “friendly.”
And if they were good, they wouldn’t want to rule over us anyway.
This means that the handful of exceptions, even if it exists, is irrelevant.
Thus on the fairest and most charitable interpretation of the numbers, we are still left with the result that jews shouldn’t have any power over us. Their beliefs, attitudes, desires, and behaviors appear to be flatly incompatible with human flourishing, regardless of whether the genocide is fast and direct or subtle and sophisticated.
Personally, I don’t want any of this to be true. Out of love, I have tried to be as gracious as possible.
And yet, I have failed to find any plausible basis for the “most jews aren’t bad” idea. At the very least, it seems that none of them should have such immense power and influence over us, whether they are zionists or not.
I’m not trying to be hateful or rude here. I’m sorry it has to be this way.
Read more at: X.com
Tagged Under:
conspiracy, culture wars, current events, deep state, evil, genocide, identity politics, insanity, Israel, Jews, left cult, Liberal Mob, Libtards, lunatics, politics, race relations, race war, rational, truth, Twisted, Xpost, Zionists
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